Subliminal Audio Creator

  1. Audio Subliminal Message Recording Software
  2. Subliminal Audio Creator Software
  3. Subliminal Audio Downloads
  4. Subliminal Audio Creator

This site is a free resource dedicated to the art and science of creating subliminal audio. We will focus on topics related to Psychology, Hypnosis, Audio Engineering, Neurolinguistics, Psychoacoustics, Music Theory, Self-help, Subliminals and more. HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN SUBLIMINAL:sunflower: °write your affirmations in a notebook °choose a song °record affirmations in your phone °go to an audio/video editor °it can be kine master or windows movie maker or literally any app °make your subliminal audio to 30-40% °add song °save the video °you can listen to it like this if you want.

Customized Subliminal Messages
Infuse Your Brain With The Affirmations You Choose

Imagine if you listen, day after day, to affirmative subliminal commands you chose that fits exactly to your specific needs!

By using correctly formulated hiddencommands you have the ability to become stronger, resilient, manifest success and believe in yourself.

The subliminal suggestions can strengthen your neural conections with positive feelings, improve your different skills and capabilities, help you to let go of painful past experiences and move on with your life; erase self-criticism, judgment and toxic patterns that hold you back…

Why Customizing subliminal messages?

What’s great about choosing your own Subliminals is that you focus only on the affirmations you need and want!

The subliminal sessions available online have the potential to be powerful (depends on the source), but they also lack many of the things you truly want.

The commands sometimes miss out and don’t touch those exact spots you crave to change, or don’t focus on the goals you want to achieve.

However, my subliminal library offers approximately 180 recordings that focus on super spsific issues most people can relate to. Check it out here.

For example, if your goal is to skyrocket your business and you know that what’s stopping you is fear of making mistakes, or that you don’t believe in yourself, you can create affirmations that will deal with it directly!

Or, for example, if you’re struggling with weight problems and your biggest setback is emotional eating (provides comfort, an escape channel, and etc), or merely a physical addiction to refined carbs, you can choose to put the emphasis on that!

When it comes to creating your own custom hidden commands, many people do it wrong. If you don’t know how to use subliminal messages, please read the complete guide here.

Do subliminal messages really work?


Subliminal messages are a scientifically proven method to shift your unconscious thoughts in a positive direction, no matter how many failures you’ve had in the past and how much you doubt yourself.

This powerful cutting edge technology has helped a massive amount of people and even big names like Anthony Robins and John Assaraf highly recommend using it on a daily basis.

Subliminal messages are the fastest way to create a change, because it focuses on the subconscious level! It’s also the most effortless way.

The subliminal affirmations cannot be fully heared by your ears, so they pass any form of resistance. However, your subconscious gets it all; there are literally no boundaries between you and the affirmations, so nothing stops them from being absorbed in your mind.

A constant exposure to empowering streams of messages
can change virtually any aspect of your life.
The affirmations can become your new reality!

So after all this, let’s examine the best subliminal program that offers
– Many unique features

– Affordable price
– Fast results

I had used this program before, and it still serves me up to this day on occasion, so I can share my experience and tell you about the features it offers.

MindZoom offers a program with three special features that can get you the results you want in 21 days.

Audio Subliminal Message Recording Software

What exactly do you get?

  • Affirmation Delivering Engine -Mindzoom conveys thousands of positive commands at speeds that are bypassed by your conscious mind.
  • Silent Subliminal Messaging System – text affirmations are translated to speech.
  • Mindzoom Subliminal Mixer – a great feature where you can use text or audio affirmations (you can record your own affirmations or use pre-recorded ones) and mix them with your favorite music files.

This software will enhance your life by allowing you to:
Overcome fear
Multiply your success achievements
Boost your confidence
Develop better social skills
Increase creativity and imagination
Release limiting beliefs from your system
Quit addictions
Improve Your Memory, focus and concentration


Subliminal Audio Creator Software

“I have been using MindZoom for 2 months now and I have lost 20 lbs so far. I have 40 more to go … Thank you so much, my eating habits are changing due to a new conscience. ”
Betty Howery, official MindZoom website

Subliminal Audio Downloads

“I will be celebrating 3 months of not smoking anymore thanks to MindZoom. I feel healthier now. Some times I feel cravings, but I just pop on the software and gradually they go away…”
Lony Heidlemann, official MindZoom website

Additional Value:
– Subliminal visual flashes that will appear quickly on your PC screen
– You can choose your own music files to ‘cover’ the subliminal messages
– provides you the option to add Binaural Beats
– 6 bonuses
– Program upgrades for free
– Offer complete support for any question you have via email

Subliminal Audio Creator

The missing feature:
It will not work for you if you have no real desire to create a change.

*** It shows you exactly how to use it with clear explanations. You don’t need to have any technical knowledge; it’s very simple and easy to use.***