Void Pantograph Software Free

Mar 03, 2013 I am trying to create a void pantograph. I have experimented with numerous halftone screen frequency and angle combinations but still haven't found the magic formula. I am working on the basis of background 130lpi and the viod text at 65lpi. I have tried many variations of colour from 5% to 15%. The magic formula still eludes me. Automated Optimization of Void Pantograph Settings. Aronoff, Steven J. Simske and Margaret Sturgill, HewlettPackard Labs, 3404 E. Harmony Rd., MS 36, Fort Collins CO - 80528, USA. Void pantographs (VPs) have been an important part of the security printing toolkit for. These business laser checks are available in four colors: blue, tan, burgundy, and green. The business check paper is perforated at 3 ½” and 7” from the top. Each check also has many security features in place, including a security screen and void pantograph.

SAFEChecks has helped clients in Los Angeles and throughout the United States prevent check fraud and stay scam-free with our business checks.

The SuperBusinessCheck is one of the most secure checks in the world. Designed by Frank Abagnale with 16 safety features, the check is virtually impossible to replicate or to alter without the fraud becoming evident.

Our SuperBusinessCheck includes the following check security features:

  • Fourdrinier Watermark
  • Thermochromatic Ink
  • High-resolution Borders
  • Microprinting
  • Chemical Wash Detection Boxes
  • Prismatic Printing
  • Laid Lines
  • Warning Banner
  • Controlled Paper Stock
  • Chemically Reactive Paper
  • UV Light-Sensitive Ink
  • UV Light-Sensitive Fibers

Nationwide Check Security Services

Clients throughout the United States choose SAFEChecks for our check security services. Our checks are fully compatible with today's Check 21 environment (bank imaging). The SuperBusinessCheck has a distinct appearance and combination of safety features which give the greatest deterrence to check fraud. The SuperBusinessCheck is printed on tightly controlled, true-watermarked security paper. For your protection, checks are never sold blank without first being customized for a specific customer. If you are interested in obtaining the Abagnale SuperBusinessCheck, please get in touch with us today!

Customized Controlled Paper Stock

The SuperBusinessCheck is manufactured in the USA with top quality, premium-grade security paper made by Appleton Papers. The check stock is tightly controlled, and no checks are ever sold completely blank. Every check order is customized in some way for the end user. Companies that print their own name, address, MICR line, etc. on their checks still receive some type of customization on the SuperBusinessCheck that is unique to their company.

Fourdrinier Watermark

The SuperBusinessCheck contains a dual-tone Fourdrinier (true) watermark that is pressed into the paper at the mill and is visible from either side when held to the light. This dual-tone true watermark provides instant authenticity of the document and cannot be replicated, copied or scanned.

Thermochromatic Ink

The front of the SuperBusinessCheck contains two pink lock-and-key icons printed with thermochromatic (heat-sensitive) ink that fades away when heated above 85° and reappears when cooled. This thermochromatic icon can be rubbed or breathed on for instant authentication of the check. Color copiers cannot reproduce the reactivity of thermochromatic ink.

Toner Anchorage

The SuperBusinessCheck paper is treated with toner anchorage that helps bond the toner onto the paper when printed with a hot laser printer. Without toner anchorage, criminals can alter laser checks by lifting off the printing with common office tape. See “Laser Printing and Check Fraud” in the Abagnale Fraud Bulletin, available through SAFEChecks.

Explicit Warning Bands

The SuperBusinessCheck has two warning banners that explicitly describe specific overt security features and advise the recipient to look for these features before accepting the check. These warning banners may also deter forgers from 'experimenting' with the check.

Copy Void Pantograph

This patented security feature is an indiscernible dot pattern designed into the SuperBusinessCheck. When the check is copied or scanned by many copiers, the word 'void' appears and invalidates the copy.

Chemical Sensitivity

The SuperBusinessCheck reacts to over 80 different chemicals. When chemically washed, the SuperBusinessCheck will stain, or discolor and will no longer look like the original document.

Chemical Wash Detection Box

The back of the SuperBusinessCheck contains a box describing the effects of check washing on the check. The check is reactive to over 80 chemicals, and the box may act as a deterrent to chemical tampering.

Prismatic Printing

The design of the SuperBusinessCheck includes an intricate background with subtle gradations between colors. The intricacy and gradations are difficult to reproduce on most color copiers.

High-Resolution Borders

The SuperBusinessCheck is engineered with intricately designed borders that are difficult to duplicate. High-resolution borders are ideal for covert security because the design often distorts when copied.

Chemically Reactive Ink

The dark blue high-resolution borders on the SuperBusinessCheck are made with specially formulated SICPA ink. The borders dissolve when soaked in acetone, showing clear evidence of chemical tampering.

Sequenced Inventory Control Numbers

Every SuperBusinessCheck that is not numbered on the face in the MICR line has a sequenced inventory control number printed on the back. Numbering every check is imperative for audit and control purposes. It discourages internal theft when an accurate log is maintained.

Laid Lines

Lines of varying width and spacing are printed on the back of each SuperBusinessCheck to deter cut-and-paste alterations.

Fluorescent Ink

A security seal and Frank Abagnale’s trademarked “signature” is printed on the back of the check in ultraviolet ink. It becomes visible under ultraviolet light and helps authenticate the original document.

Fluorescent Fibers

The SuperBusinessCheck contains ultraviolet light-sensitive fibers embedded in the paper that fluoresce under UV light and further serve as an authentication tool.


The SuperBusinessCheck contains printing so small that it appears as a line to the human eye, and can only be read with a magnifying glass. Microprinting will often blur when scanned or photocopied.

Void Pantograph Software Free

'Do Not Negotiate' on Back Panel

“Do Not Negotiate” is printed on the back panels of the SuperBusinessCheck stubs. This prevents someone from taking a blank panel and making a fraudulent check on true watermark paper.

Quilt Pantograph Software

Security Features Listed on Back of Check

The SuperBusinessCheck security features are printed on the back panel of each check. This can aid the recipient in knowing which security features to look for in authenticating the check.

Styles and Formats

Laser - Middle

Laser - 3-On-A-Sheet

Pressure Seal

Legal Laser Second Panel

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Security Level 1

  • 24# MOCR Paper
  • Void pantograph
  • Microprint border
  • Artificial watermark
  • Original document security screen
  • Warning box
  • 1/2' clear zone for MICR Line with MICR Target Box

Security Level 2

Void Pantograph software, free download

  • 24# secure paper with chemical reactivity & invisible fluorescent fibers
  • Void Pantograph on marble styles. (No void Pantograph on herringbone styles)
  • Microprinting
  • Artificial watermark
  • Original document security screen
  • Warning box
  • 1/2' clear zone for MICR Line with MICR Target Box

Security Level 3

  • 24# secure paper with chemical reactivity & invisible fluorescent fibers
  • Void Pantograph
  • Microprinting
  • Authentic watermark
  • Prismatic Gradient Blue to Green or Blue to Burgundy
  • Original document security screen
  • Warning box
  • 1/2' clear zone for MICR Line with MICR Target Box

Check Fraud Prevention and Check Fraud Security Features

  • Microprinting on the front, back or signature line of a check. The micro print is very small type in the check border and the back of the check signature line. This microprint can only be read with a magnifying glass. When a person attempts to commit check fraud by copying or scanning the check, the microprint text becomes a solid line. You bank can look at your business check and see the microprint text no longer exists.
  • Micr Band creates a clear zone for the micr line on your check. The banking community has requested a clear space to be added for the MICR check line. This Micr Band appears as a space between the bottom of the pantograph and the bottom of the check. The Micr Band allows for a lower reject rate when your bank scans your micr check.
  • Micr target alignment box added to position 43 of the Micr area for guidance in printing the bank routing transit number on your business check.
  • Artificial Watermarks are subtly printed logos or words which can be viewed at a 45 degree angle. This check fraud prevention technique is designed to defeat the person using a copier or scanner on your business check. Copiers and scanners are designed to capture images at 90 degree angles. A 45 degree angle watermark may not be reproduced by copying or scanning. You bank can review your laser check and notice the inclusion or absence of the watermark.
  • Warning Box on back of the check lists the check's security features and describes how to detect fraud and alterations.
  • Security Screen with the words 'original document' on the back of your check stock. The words Original Document� are offset against a grey background. This offset print makes it difficult to copy or scan your laser business check.
  • Pantograph in you check stock background complicates alteration and unauthorized reproduction. Our Pantograph is designed to make our blank laser check and business check difficult for the forger to alter and copy.
  • Erasure Protection - When areas on the front of your business check are erased, the colored pantograph becomes white. Our pantograph may defeat the person looking to commit check fraud on your laser check by a manual erasure process.
  • Void Pantograph - If your laser generated business check is photocopied the word void appears on the copied check. The face of this blank check document contains a colored background without the word Void. Once copied or scanned, the word Void appears on the fraudulent check. Unfortunately, some of the newer model copiers can now defeat the void pantograph. A knowledgeable individual can adjust a new generation copier to the specific attributes of your business check.
  • Invisible and Fluorescent Fibers are imbedded in your business check and can only be seen under a black light. These fibers are only visible under an ultraviolet light. A fraudulent check will not contain these invisible fibers. All banks now scan checks under ultraviolet light before processing for payment.
  • Chemical Reactive Paper shows stains or spots when an attempt is made to remove the check information with chemical ink eradicators or manual erasure. When 'washing' a check to commit check fraud, the most common acetate used is fingernail polish remover. Using our chemical reactive paper for your business check and blank laser check may defeat those people looking to alter your checks by chemical means.